Empowering our children with tools to become bilingual, biliterate and culturally conscious students for life in a dynamic, material-rich setting in Austin, Texas


Montessori education is a flow experience. Every experience is built upon the continuing self-construction of the child. Children develop their talents while growing in knowledge.


The Spanish language has been, and will continue to be of great importance to the United States. 
Being bilingual aides in: 
  • Better critical thinking and problem solving skills
  • Greater cultural awareness and acceptance
  • Increased creativity
  • Better multi-tasking skills


The holistic development of the child (educating both mind and spirit) is done in partnership between the home and school. Even though they are two different spaces, they complement each other making the child feel safe and confident.

Educación para la paz

Educación para la paz

We shall walk together on this path of life, for all things are part of the universe and are connected with each other to form one whole unity.

“Maria Montessori”

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